"Interlude" - Family Constellation Using the Gestalt Approach
What's it about?
Make connections clear.
Clarify relationships.
Use what you know intuitively.
Meet each other sincerely.
Continue on new paths.
How does this work?
In systemic Gestalt constellations, you can really see the aspects that shape our relationship systems. It makes clear all the different drives and motives that are at play in the system being represented. By creating connections or "contact" between people in the constellation and following insights and impulses, it allows for natural self-regulation. This way, the system can find peace and things can come together.
What we set up depends on the specific issue at hand. It could be a family, a team, a certain relationship and its aspects, or even internal parts of yourself, societal topics, or elements of a problem. (When we talk about "internal parts," we mean things like the needy part of me, the strong part, the hesitant part, the trusting part, etc. It's about internal conflicts.) We'll be setting up five to six topics on Friday evening and Saturday.
If you're not setting up your own issue, you can help out as a representative. Representatives usually gain a lot from constellations because they feel enriched by the emotional intensity, the direct contact, and the honest group experience, and they also get to support others with important issues. You don't need any prior knowledge to join in.
Midwives' Practice Opladen
(20-minute train ride from Cologne Central Station)
Cologne, Belgian Quarter.